Technical Analysis

Intracranial Chronic Epidural Hematomas: Technical Note

Ghassen Gader, Mouna Rkhami, Maher Ben Salem, Mohamed Badri, Kamel Bahri, Ihsen Zammel

Abstract :

Intracranial chronic epidural hematomas can be rarely found in patients victims of head trauma. The diagnosis is usually delayed because of the absence of neurologic focus signs. Re-bleeding is possibly the underlying mechanism for the long term permanence of the hematoma. This pathologic entity has rarely been reported in literature, and there still no consensus about a precise therapeutic approach. We report a case of a patient with an intracranial chronic epidural hematoma with a long period of time between trauma and symptoms onset. This patient was operated through a burr hole with a good outcome. We also go through a review of the literature for diagnosis pitfalls, management options and report our surgical experience.

Keywords :

epidural hematomas  

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Intracranial chronic epidural hematomas: Technical note, Ghassen Gader, Mouna Rkhami, Maher Ben Salem, Mohamed Badri, Kamel Bahri, Ihsen Zammel, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 5, May - 2018

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