Technical Analysis
Intracranial Chronic Epidural Hematomas: Technical Note
Ghassen Gader, Mouna Rkhami, Maher Ben Salem, Mohamed Badri, Kamel Bahri, Ihsen Zammel
Intracranial chronic epidural hematomas can be rarely found in patients victims of head trauma. The diagnosis is usually delayed because of the absence of neurologic focus signs. Re-bleeding is possibly the underlying mechanism for the long term permanence of the hematoma. This pathologic entity has rarely been reported in literature, and there still no consensus about a precise therapeutic approach. We report a case of a patient with an intracranial chronic epidural hematoma with a long period of time between trauma and symptoms onset. This patient was operated through a burr hole with a good outcome. We also go through a review of the literature for diagnosis pitfalls, management options and report our surgical experience.
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