Original Research Paper
Performance Evaluation Of The Kcc Scheme In India: With Special Reference To Karnataka
Girija M
Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy, and it is essential for the country's food security and rural development. In order to boost agricultural production and productivity, farmers need access to credit. Agricultural credit institutions are financial institutions, that provide loans to farmers for agricultural purposes through various schemes. The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme is one of the schemes designed to provide farmers with timely and adequate credit support through a simplified and flexible process. An attempt is made in this paper to study and analyze the performance of KCC in India and Karnataka. The study is based on the secondary data collected from various reports, journals, and websites. The study found that the Kisan Credit Cards issued by commercial banks have shown an increasing trend during the study period in India and fluctuation in the growth of operative KCCs and the amount outstanding in Karnataka for the study period. The study concluded that to uplift the well-being of farmers, financial institutions should educate them in utilizing these schemes and implementing KCC properly.
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