Original Research Paper
A Cross Sectional Study To Assess The Anxiety, Stress And Depression Among Nurses During Covid-19 At Selected Hospitals, Udaipur
Mr. Jitendra Pujari, Dr. M. U. Mansuri
This study aimed to assess anxiety, stress, and depression levels among 300 nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic, utilizing a quantitative, cross-sectional design. Findings revealed that a majority experienced mild anxiety (53.7%), stress (64.3%), and depression (71.7%). Pearson's correlation showed moderate positive associations between stress and anxiety (p=0.002, r=0.376) and anxiety and depression (p=0.040, r=0.119), with a weak positive correlation between stress and depression (p=0.068, r=0.105). Age, professional experience, and marital status were associated with anxiety, stress, and depression levels. Work-related variables and fears significantly influenced anxiety and stress but not depression. The study underscores the need for targeted interventions and support to enhance nurses' well-being amid ongoing and future challenges.
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