Research Analysis

Pattern Of Sigmoid Colon Volvulus In Abdominal Supine Radiography

Esmaeil Hajinasrollah, Mostafa Dasgiry, Hadi Mirhashmei, Bahador Oshidar, Fariborz Rashno

Abstract :

Introduction: In Asia, Africa, and less-developed regions, Volvulus of the sigmoid colon can account for 20 to 50% of intestinal obstruction. Classic findings on radiology include the bent inner tube or coffee bean signs, which show a massively distended colon and its thought to be specific for the diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the most common location of coffee bean sign in Abdominal Supine Radiography of patients. Methods: Abdominal Supine Radiography of 40 case of sigmoid volvulus (at the recent 3 years in Loghman Hakim Hospital) were reviewed to understand that the Coffee Been Sign is located in the RUQ or LUQ. Results: From that 40 patients, in 35 patients (87.5%) the Coffee Been Sign in supine abdominal radiography was significantly seen in LUQ, In 4 other patients (10%) the Coffee Been Sign was in Midline and only In 1 patient ( 2.5% ) the Coffee Been Sign was significantly in RUQ. Conclusion: Despite the popular belief that the location of coffee bean sign classically is in the right upper quadrant including the text of Schwartz Principles of Surgery, in our study there are the highest number of sigmoid volvulus located on LUQ.

Keywords :

Abdominal Supine  

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Pattern of Sigmoid Colon Volvulus in Abdominal Supine Radiography, Esmaeil Hajinasrollah, Mostafa Dasgiry, Hadi Mirhashmei, Bahador Oshidar, Fariborz Rashno, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 4, Issue : 4, April - 2019

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