Case Report
The Effectiveness Of Psycho-educational Intervention Derived From Unity-oriented Psychology On The Stress Reduction Of Mothers With Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Nasiri Hanis, Ghaffar, Zadehmohammadi, Ali, Kariminejad, Kolsoum, Mirdrikvand, Fazl Allah, Shahidi, Shahriar, Mehdiaraghi, Maryam
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The effectiveness of psycho-educational intervention derived from unity-oriented psychology on the stress reduction of mothers with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, Nasiri Hanis, Ghaffar, Zadehmohammadi, Ali, Kariminejad, Kolsoum, Mirdrikvand, Fazl Allah, Shahidi, Shahriar, Mehdiaraghi, Maryam, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 4, Issue : 4, April - 2019