Case Report
The Effectiveness Of Psycho-educational Intervention Derived From Unity-oriented Psychology On The Stress Reduction Of Mothers With Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Nasiri Hanis, Ghaffar, Zadehmohammadi, Ali, Kariminejad, Kolsoum, Mirdrikvand, Fazl Allah, Shahidi, Shahriar, Mehdiaraghi, Maryam
Unity-oriented psychology is a new and culturally based psychology approach in Iran. This approach is based on the philosophy of unity of existence, psychological achievement consistent with this philosophy approach, and Islamic values. The study was set up to investigate the effectiveness of psycho-education program on the stress reduction of mothers with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. Mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders (n=16) were randomized to an eight sessions of psycho-education intervention group (n=8) or control group (n=8). The main outcome was Perceived Stress Scale of Cohen, Kamarch, & Mermelstein in 1983. The stress reduction was greater in psycho-educational intervention than in that control group on the Perceived Stress Scale after the main treatment and also two months follow-up. Psycho-educational intervention derived from unity-oriented psychology showed effectiveness in reduction of stress in mothers with diagnosed children with autism spectrum disorders. Therefore, it can be successfully disseminated into routine clinical settings in Iran.
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