Research Paper

Evolution Of The Cell Blood Count (cbc) Parameters In The Constant K2.edta Concentration With Different Blood Volumes: A Randomized Study

Azam Moslehi, Akram Moslehi, Reza Moosavi, Tahere Alijani, Maryam Tabibi

Abstract :

Background: All of we know that the phlebotomy is a very hard practice in some conditions. So, its important to get the best results with the lowest blood sample value. K2.EDTA is usually used as a routine anticoagulant to measure cell blood count (CBC) and has been shown that its chelating function can decrease platelets activation. The aim of this study is to determine minimum volume of blood which has no significant effect on CBC indexes. Methods: 0.5, 1 and 2 ml blood samples of 70 healthy donors were collected in K2.EDTA tubes and then CBC (RBC , WBC , PLT counts, MCV, MCH, MCHC, MPV, HGB and HCT) parameters were measured by Sysmex KX-21N automated cell counter. K+ concentration was measured in plasma and lysed RBCs by Flame photometer. Results: The statistical analyses of the results revealed that MCV and HCT increased in 0.5ml tubes but others parameters have no significant differences. Also, K+ concentration increased in plasma and lysed RBCs in 0.5ml compared to 1ml tubes. Conclusion: This study showed that low blood sample amount in K2.EDTA tubes increased HCT and MCV indexes, however it didnt influence on other CBC parameters. It seems that these be the result of high potassium concentration in external environment.

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Evolution of the cell blood count (CBC) parameters in the constant K2.EDTA concentration with different blood volumes: a randomized study, Azam Moslehi, Akram Moslehi, Reza Moosavi, Tahere Alijani, Maryam Tabibi, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 3, Issue : 3, March - 2018

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