Original Research Paper

Implant Placement In Deficient Bone Using Ridge Split Technique : A Case Report

Dhwanit Widhani, Dr. Prof. Punit R. S. Khurana, Dr. Prof. Aditya Chaudhary, Dr. Prof. Anju Aggarwal

Abstract :

Dr. Hilt Tatum 1970s introduced a method of ridge splitting or bone spreading, which over a period have been used in implant dentistry for esthetic rehabilitation and implant site preparation in cases of deficient alveolar ridges to satisfy the basic ideal need of hard tissue augmentation for functional and esthetic outcome of implant. In this case report, we describe a case of horizontal ridge augmentation using ridge split and simultaneous implant placement in esthetic mandibular anterior region

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IMPLANT PLACEMENT IN DEFICIENT BONE USING RIDGE SPLIT TECHNIQUE : A CASE REPORT, Dhwanit Widhani, Dr. (Prof.) Punit R.S. Khurana, Dr. (Prof.) Aditya Chaudhary, Dr. (Prof.) Anju Aggarwal, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2024

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