Research Paper

Caries Incidence In Children Of Primorsko Goranska County, Croatia

Bakarcic D, Ivancic Jokic N, Perkovic I, Hrvatin S, Glibotic Kresina H, Kresina S, Negovetic Vranic D, Verzak Z

Abstract :

Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of caries in a 6-year follow-up study, to determine the Treatment Needs Index for dental caries, and the restorative Care Index. Methods: The study included children aged six years in 2008. Later, in 2014, those same children were examined again at the age of twelve. There were included 1369 children, 630 girls and 739 boys. The clinical examination was carried out by one skilled examiner helped by assistant through a 3 month period during the academic years 2008 and 2014. Results: Seventy four percent of six years olds presented with caries as opposed to later examination at the age of twelve in which 59% of the children presented caries experience. The mean dft index in the 6 years period decreased from 4.79 (SD4, 85) to 1, 08 (SD1, 72). Treatment Needs Index for primary theeth at the age of 6 and 12 years were 76.07% and 81.13% respectively. Care Index of primary teeth at six years olds showed only 20% of treated teeth and in twelve years olds 22%. Conclusion: Caries incidence shown by mean DMFT/dft index has increased in period of six years between two examinations. Inversely, it was observed an increase of the caries free children at the level of permanent dentition. Clinical relevance indicates need for increased awareness of the importance of care about permanent teeth.

Keywords :

incidence   caries   children   Croatia  

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CARIES INCIDENCE IN CHILDREN OF PRIMORSKO GORANSKA COUNTY, CROATIA, Bakarcic D, Ivancic Jokic N, Perkovic I, Hrvatin S, Glibotic Kresina H, Kresina S, Negovetic Vranic D,Verzak Z, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 2, Issue : 10, October - 2017

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