Original Research Paper

Role Of Facial Exercise In Disease Prevention-a Need Of The Hour.

Meghana Singh, Maseeha Arbee, Jayakumary Muttappallymyalil, Jayadevan Sreedharan

Abstract :

A narrative review was conducted with articles published between 1985 to 2022 highlighting the upsurge of the utilization of facial muscle exercise in disease management and prevention. The primary objective of this review was to acknowledge the efficacy of facial muscle exercise in delaying disease progression. Exercise is defined as subdivision of physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive in nature, to enhance or preserve physical fitness, and has historically been an essential component of a healthful way of life. As the years have progressed, the role of exercise in the prevention and treatment of several chronic diseases has notably increased. Facial muscle exercises, which involve strengthening movements and manipulation of the facial musculature, are strategically incorporated into the therapeutic protocols of several current diseases. Significantly however, the utilization of facial muscle exercises in disease prevention, is unsupported at present.

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ROLE OF FACIAL EXERCISE IN DISEASE PREVENTION-A NEED OF THE HOUR., Meghana Singh, Maseeha Arbee, Jayakumary Muttappallymyalil, Jayadevan Sreedharan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2023

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