Case Study

Integrated Planning To Enhance Efficiency And Achieve Long-term Goals Of The National Development Plan (ndp 2030): The Case Of Northern Cape Department Of Health

Eshetu Worku

Abstract :

Background The National Development Plan (NDP 2030) of South Africa which is broadly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030) has been adopted as overarching guiding plan for the countrys long-term socioeconomic development. Well-integrated strategic plan, annual performance plans, budget and operational plans as well as effective monitoring of progress including at district level are vitally important for successful translation of the long-term plans into reality. This document produces evidence from the Northern Cape department of health. Methods Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used for gathering information from research respondents who are working at senior and middle management services levels in Northern Cape department of health. Structured questionnaires conducted online via departments GroupWise email network. Descriptive statistics used for analysis of the data in the study. Results In 2016/17 financial year, a total of 118 predetermined objective targets were monitored. Of which 54 percent of the targets were achieved; while 16 percent partially achieved, and 30 percent were not achieved. Limited efforts have been observed to undertake integrated planning, resources alignment, progress monitoring and implementing improvement plans. Conclusion The SDGs agenda and the NDP have placed the health sector to play a vital role in supporting efforts to improve countrys socioeconomic conditions through producing healthy and productive citizens. This is an opportunity and a challenge to the health sector to adequately respond to the long-term socioeconomic development Vision. Absence of comprehensive and integrated health planning in line with NDP and SDGs supported by resources may compromise the achievement of long-term plan.

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Integrated planning to enhance efficiency and achieve long-term goals of the National Development Plan (NDP 2030): the case of Northern Cape Department of Health, Eshetu Worku, International Journal Of Pure Medical Research, Volume : 2, Issue : 9, September - 2017

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