Original Research Paper

Sialadenoma Papilliferum: The First Reported Laryngeal Case

Dr. Nikolaos Spantideas, Dr. Reshma Agrawal, Ms Jabin Thaj, Amrita Jay, John Rubin

Abstract :

Sialadenoma Papilliferum (SP) is a benign salivary gland tumor characterized by anexophytic and endophytic epithelial proliferation of mucosa of salivary gland origin.Typically, these tumors appear on the palate, with most cases involving the hardpalate. Several cases have been described, on the soft palate, buccal mucosa, tongueand bronchi. We present the first documented case of laryngeal SP, associated with aprevious history of recurrent laryngeal papilloma. Our case report is unique in twoways. Firstly, it is the first case reported in the larynx. Very few cases along the lowerrespiratory tract have been reported, but none on the vocal folds. Secondly, it is thefirst case associated with a previous history of squamous papilloma. High level ofalertness is required in order to identify this rare diagnosis

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SIALADENOMA PAPILLIFERUM: THE FIRST REPORTED LARYNGEAL CASE, Dr. Nikolaos Spantideas, Dr. Reshma Agrawal, Ms Jabin Thaj, Amrita Jay, John Rubin, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE MEDICAL RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2021

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